Growing Rice,
Growing Taste
Rice tasting session in Growing Rice, Growing Taste. Images courtesy of artist
Growing Rice, Growing Taste
Chu Hao Pei, Daniyah Az Zahra and Sukabumi Farm
Growing Rice Growing Taste presents a new series of rice packaging designs informed from the historical remnants of the Cold War, coupled with a native rice tasting session, to reposition native rice varieties in a hybrid rice dominated market through the recollection of lost taste in native rice varieties. As most native rice varieties have been displaced during the 1960s - 1980s due to the emergence of “Miracle Rice” and other hybrid rice varieties in Southeast Asia during the Cold War, Growing Rice, Growing Taste presents an encounter for participants to re-explore the dark history through the lost taste of native varieties, namely West Java native rice varieties - Cere, Hera & CN.
This is a collaboration with Daniyah Az Zahra and Sukabumi Farm.
Growing Rice, Growing Taste was presented at Rumah Mesra, Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia from 22 October - 6 November 2022.
Keywords: native seeds, political tool, shortage, sovereignty, spiritual, sufficiency,
Chu Hao Pei (b.1990, Singapore) is a visual artist whose works are primarily influenced by his long-standing interest in the interrelations between culture and the environment. Chu’s practice explores the shifting physical, sociological and emotional connections with our natural and urban landscapes. His works shed light on the overlooked and accidental by interweaving the processes of engagement, documentation and research. In this way, he examines the complexities of environmental and cultural loss (or resurgence) shaped by political, economic and social factors. Chu uses certain methods of documentation and representation to reveal aspects of his subject, while simultaneously concealing and drawing attention to what has yet to be communicated or understood.