Broken Rice Atlas is an amalgamation of research into rice practices, with a particular focus on Southeast Asia. Spanning from agricultural, gastronomic, historical to the sociocultural, sociopolitical and even spiritual forms, Broken Rice Atlas serves as a non-exhaustive and non-linear peer-supported atlas that informs and shares knowledge and anecdotes anchoring around rice. First conceived as a research process, this platform archives and manifests knowledge of rice agricultural practices, native rice seeds, lost tastes, or even recipes, into new in/tangible creations as it expands.
Collaborative Partners
Chu Hao Pei
A Singapore visual artist whose practice explores the shifting physical, sociological and emotional connections with our natural and urban landscapes. His works shed light on the overlooked and accidental by interweaving the processes of engagement, documentation and research to examine the complexities of environmental and cultural loss (or resurgence) shaped by political, economic and social factors.
Kokkoya Organics is an urban farm in Yangon, Myanmar that grows a variety of fresh vegetables while training a young team in organic techniques and farm management skills. The farm is an employee-owned cooperative and specialises in curated vegetable boxes or CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) shares. Kokkoya works with a network of small scale organic growers who are passionate about organic, regenerative farming across the country, building economic resilience for the network as the business grows.
A Co-Farming Space in Sukabumi, West Java; an experimental garden, an alternative workplace for young people, and a place where young farmers are born and grow together.
Merupakan sebuah Co-Farming Space di Sukabumi, Jawa Barat; sebuah kebun eksperimen, tempat bekerja alternatif untuk anak muda, menjadi tempat petani muda lahir dan berkembang bersama
An organization in Indonesia that aims to be a forum for young people with various backgrounds to learn together about the world of agriculture. Sekolah Tani Muda or often abbreviated as “SEKTIMUDA”, was established around the beginning of 2014 and until now, there have been 8 generations. Sektimuda facilitates educational programs for young people who have a strong desire to learn and explore agriculture.
Sebuah organisasi di Indonesia yang ditujukan untuk menjadi sebuah wadah bagi para pemuda/i dengan berbagai latar belakang, untuk belajar bersama tentang dunia pertanian. Sekolah Tani Muda atau yang sering disingkat “SEKTIMUDA”, berdiri sekitar awal tahun 2014 dan sampai sekarang sudah 8 angkatan. Sektimuda memfalisitasi program pendidikan untuk para pemuda yang berkeinginan kuat mempelajari dan mendalami pertani
Kamiliah is a writer and curator who holds a Masters of Arts in Museum Studies and Curatorial Practices under the School of Art, Design & Media in Nanyang Technological University...
Bunga Siagian
Bunga is a member of Jatiwangi art Factory (JaF), a community-based organization that focuses on discourses of local rural life through arts and cultural activities. Since 2017, she has been actively managing the Land Affair Study Agency (Badan Kajian Pertanahan) with Ismal Muntaha, a temporary agency experimenting with methods and forms of arts in the study of cultural landscape related to land affairs. She is also a curator at ARKIPEL Film Festival for the 2013-2016 editions and the programmer of Jatiwangi Sinematek, which is part of JaF.